Your best girl has a ring on it! As maid of honour or bridesmaid, it’s now your duty to plan her perfect hen’s night.

Home is Where the Hen’s Is

Create your own Pink Party Punch

DIY photoshoot

Have a Decoration Station

While we’d love to hop on a plane and jet off to somewhere tropical for a weekend away, this may not be within everyone’s budget – including ours. Hen’s nights are traditionally paid for by everyone paying their own way, which can make for a tricky situation when it’s expensive! Home
Forget expensive venue fees and lock-in drink packages, cut the costs by throwing the hen’s party at a member of the bridal party’s house. You can save lots of money by organising the food and drinks yourself and tailoring the party to include all of the things your bride loves. If using someone’s house is not possible, you can hire an Airbnb apartment for a relatively low cost – just check with the owners first that they’re happy for you to host a hen’s party.
A fun and inexpensive way to have a couple of drinks (while learning a new recipe) is to gather the gals and hop into the kitchen. You know how they say too many cooks spoil the broth? Well too many of your girlfriends just means the creation of a lot more party punch to go around. Have your ingredients ready and set everything up in the kitchen. Then designate each person a task, and combine everyone’s efforts to create a large jug of your very own party punch!
Save the professional photographer for the wedding and document your hen’s with more of a personal touch. Grab the girls, throw on your favourite Review dresses and a slick of red lippy and you’re good to go. Use a number of different locations and poses for best results. A Polaroid camera is a fun option for taking cute, vintage-inspired pictures with instant hard copies to cherish forever.
Why buy overpriced decorations when you can create them yourself and make fond memories in the process! Set up a large table at one end of the room filled with A4 sheets of coloured paper, scissors, glue, thin wooden skewers, recycled glass bottles and markers. Don’t forget glitter, beads, feathers, ribbons and sequins to jazz it all up. You can create banners, cards, badges, streamers, vases, ornaments and even paper tiaras if you’re feeling a bit regal. Quick
Forget fine dining that costs a small fortune. Instead opt for the cheaper (and easier) option of creating your own grazing board or antipasto platter featuring a range of hard and soft cheeses, cold cuts, breadsticks and so much more. The ultimate grazing board needs to be functional, pretty and tasty. Place every element of the grazing board in close proximity to each other so that it looks like a collage of edible goods ready for the picking. Yum!
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